Who is God to you?
Is he your savior,
Your friend,
Your lover,
Your keeper,
Your sustainer,
Your confidant,
Your peace,
Your security,
Your freedom,
Your healer,
Your protector,
Your restorer,
Your music,
Your purpose,
Your way maker,
Your rejuvenator,
Your rest,
Your safe place,
Your light,
Your guide,
Your shepherd,
Your refuge,
Your truth?
Who is God in your life and what are the areas that you have allowed him to reside, rest, and rule over in your life?
This question is one of the most important questions that we can ever ask ourselves, due to the fact that our answer will reveal where are relationship is with God and where we need to grow with God. Far too often, we claim to have given God authority over our life, however; when God is asking us to clean up certain aspects of our life or commands us to obey his word and commandments, we are quick to take the reins of our life back, and tell God we will take if from here. This occurs especially, when it appears that God is not going in the direction that we desire or what we believe is accurate for the way we have planned to live our life.
This is why, you and I must ask ourselves with complete honesty, what areas have we allowed God to take complete authority over in our lives? What areas have you said “God, okay…you are in control here. I lay down my plans, desires, and my will for yours”. What areas are you tightly holding onto due to fear, control, uncertainty of the unknown or what is next for your life.

Based on the list of character traits listed at the top of the page. If, you were to rate yourself on how well you know and have experienced God. What percentage would you give yourself?
Would you give yourself 50%?
What about how about 80%?
Now, I know you may be thinking, what kind of question is this… how can you rate how well you know God? This is not a question to confuse you, this is a question to make you think about your relationship with God and how we should be seeking new areas in our life to grow, heal, transform, and restore with God daily. For the simple reason being, that each trial that you face in life, is a place where God is trying to teach you, who he is, who you are according to him, and how your life depends on his mighty hand to sustain you.
We must honestly ask ourselves each day, “Am I actively trying to build a relationship with God”? Do I really want and desire God’s presence, peace, and power?
When we are consistently doing this type of development in Christ, we are engaging our mind in a higher level of active thinking and self-awareness, which is what helps yield healthy fruit in our lives. When we ask ourselves these questions and are truly honest with our answers, we are then granted with divine insight on the areas that we need to clean-up based on the word of God. Asking ourselves these types of reflective questions, helps serve as a gauge to refocus your mind, time, calling, and life.
Because the truth is, how we experience God is based on how much we want to know God, how often we seek God, our willingness to obey his word, and how honest we can be in regards to admitting the things we are struggling with in our secret places. No matter what the world teaches, only God, can fulfill all the attributes and character traits that anchor your life in truth, righteousness, peace, prosperity, and power. Anyone or anything else you seek in life, to fulfill a place where only God wants to dwell, will surely fail you and leave you unsatisfied.
~ Joe
Stay the course; the victory is already yours.
Your best is forward!