Have you ever struggled with difficulty trusting God?
I sure have, and to be honest, I still struggle to this very day. Now my trust has grown stronger, since I have truly devoted my life to following Christ; however that does not mean that this walk with him has became any easier. I’m sad to say, that when you begin to truly walk with God in your life, the walk does not get easier, it actually becomes harder due to the enemy having to work against someone who is consciously resisting his tactics. Recently, I had a moment while driving where I began to feel very weighted with all the task of entrepreneurship, where all of my visions began to just seem very overwhelming and I just felt very uneasy of how I was going to continue to move forward. As I thought about finances, my time, insufficient help that I need, my limited resources, I began to feel sick to my stomach.
I began questioning the road that God led me on, and the plans that he has for my life. I felt financially frustrated, spiritually at war in my mind, and just plain out defeated. I started to play some motivational music, in order to shift my thinking and move beyond my current state of mind. I have a whole playlist that is dedicated for spiritual warfare that I developed over the years, because one thing I have learned while walking with Christ, is that when the enemy comes you have to know how to fight. So after listening to one song in particular, I began to feel lifted and I began encouraging myself.
It seemed to be working, and I felt better, however the tide was quickly to turn.
I walked into the house, and went to my bedroom to put on my favorite lip-gloss. I went to open the place where I last placed the lip-gloss. It was not there. I went to check my make-up box and it was not there, I pulled another drawer, nothing. I looked on the floor. Nothing. Now the search was full blown. I began tearing different places apart in the house, running up and down the stairs. I went through my make-up inventory, not there, I checked my filming studio, not there. I looked everywhere, and now my time was off track for me to be working in my business. When small things like this happen, and you are already battling the enemy physically and mentally, that is enough to throw you off your rocker. I laid on my bed, and just sank into the pillow. I closed my eyes and said Lord I know this is the enemy trying to steal my time, because he sees the plans you have for me. I need your help. Please help me find my lip-gloss. I started to retrace my footsteps in mind, earlier that morning. When suddenly a still small voice said, “ shake the bed”. I thought to myself I already checked the bed…, however I obeyed. I began to shake the bed at the top. Nothing. I moved towards the bottom of the bed, and began shaking the bed. Plop. Something flew out. I looked down and there was my lip-gloss, right on the floor!
Tears began to fill my eyes, and all I could whisper was thank you Lord, I trust you.
I picked it up and immediately got on my knees and prayed.

Now I know some of you may be thinking, “ all that for some lip gloss”. But for me, it was not just about the lip gloss, it was about God seeing me, seeing what I am facing in my life, and needing a reminder that he cares. At that very moment, he answered my questions, and I knew God was with me. I needed God’s reassurance in my life on this particular day and God gave it to me in this tiny lip-gloss miracle, when I cried out to him.
Often times we think miracles have to be big, for them to be considered miracles, yet many miracles that God gives us, are just traces of his hand and his presence letting us know, he see’s us and that he is with us, even in the small things.
So today, if you are feeling weighted by all the complexities of life or if you just need reassurance that God “ sees you”. I employ you to ask him for reassurance in whatever you are facing, and then wait and listen for the small ways that he guides you and how he reveals himself to you. I can assure you, God sees you, he hears you, and he cares about your every need, even if it is lip-gloss. (Genesis 16:13)
If he will do it for me, he most certainly will do it for you too.
Trust God.
Till we meet again,
Stay the course; the victory is already yours.
Your best is forward!
~ Joe